"The liveliest and boldest of all the Russians is the Cossack"
August von Haxthausen,
"Studies on the interior of Russia",1843.
New materials at the site:
Cossacks on paintings (1/26/03)
Chronological summary of historical events in the development of Kuban
Cossack military establishment (12/18/02)
Cavalry of Terek Cossackdom
Cossack newspaper: "Kubanets" and "Donskoy Atamansky Vestnik"
Folklore Cossack Ensemble
“Bratina” (8/17/02)
Cossack songs performed by Ensemble
“Bratina” (8/17/02)
"Cossack Circle" (8/16/02)
"To the
Cossack Kin ... " - Songs of Don, Kuban and Terek Cossacks